For many newcomers to the makeup game, makeup can seem both highly complicated and very expensive. Whether you’re a college student, you’re new to being an adult, or you generally don’t have a lot of money to spend on luxuries, makeup can feel like a truly unattainable luxury.
However, you can find the right makeup look for your needs no matter the budget. These tips are a great starting point to getting the perfect face of makeup, even if you’re not able to invest a lot of money.
Buy the Basics
Some basic makeup products are important to every makeup look you create. These products may include a simple foundation, concealer, and blush, and they don’t have to be expensive. Purchase the basic makeup products that make the canvas look amazing, which will allow you to develop a routine that you can build on top of for amazing looks.
Occasionally Treat Yourself to Something New
Create a budget that allows you to spend just a little bit every month on beauty. If you need to use that budget money to replace a basic product, that’s fine; however, if you get to the end of the month without spending it, buy something special for your makeup cabinet. Whether it’s a colored liner or a special lipstick shade, it can quickly add up over time.
Be Diligent About Skin Care
Skincare is what decides how every makeup look appears. A good skincare routine ensures that you don’t have to use very much makeup in the first place, and it can also help your skin stay healthy over time, even if you’re regularly applying makeup.
Buy the Right Products
It’s always important to do your research before you buy any makeup product. Research what skin type the product works best with, the shelf life of the product, and where you can find it for the best price. Every time you buy makeup, you should know that this is the specific product you want to put in your makeup bag and that this is the right place to buy it.
Don’t Waste Money on Low-quality Items
It can be very tempting to just buy the lowest-priced items when you’re on a very small budget, but you should always be thinking of quality over price. Low-quality products will create cheap-looking results even if you’re really good at applying them, and they can also have toxic chemicals and fillers that are bad for your skin over time. If you have to decide between more products or higher-quality products, always opt for higher-quality products.
Take Good Care of Your Products
It’s always important to clean and store your products correctly, especially when you’ve spent lots of money on them. If you buy a $20 makeup brush, for example, it’s a good idea to invest in a brush cleaner so that you can keep the brush clean and avoid spreading bacteria to your skin. This will enhance your brush’s longevity, improve your skin’s quality, and give you better results.

There are some products you might need to look your best on a regular basis, but you can start creating beautiful looks with a very limited number of products. No matter how small your beauty budget is, you can create beautiful makeup looks with those products.
Do you find that even with a lack of beauty products, you’re still driven to create stunning beauty looks? Consider pursuing that passion with the cosmetology program at Ogle School. This program will teach you more about makeup, skincare, and more, so you can turn that love into your career.